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Law Firm



Agile EQ™


The Everything DiSC Agile EQ Profile provides participants with valuable insights that allow them to discover an agile approach to workplace interactions. In this personalized, 26-page profile, participants will discover their DiSC style, learn about the instinctive mindsets that shape their responses and interactions, recognize opportunities to stretch beyond what comes naturally to them, and gain actionable strategies to become more agile in their approach to social and emotional situations.

Validated Assessment


The research-validated online assessment asks participants to respond to behavioral statements on a five-point scale, including application-specific questions to help determine the participant’s instinctive emotional intelligence (EQ) mindsets. Built using the latest adaptive testing methodology, each participant receives precise insights to personalize their experience.


Participant Takeaways:


  • Discover your EQ strengths

  • Recognize your EQ potential

  • Commit to customized strategies for building agility


Additional Service for Teams and Organizations:


  • Group Facilitation

  • Masterclass Training for Change Transition

  • Manager Training for Leading Change

  • Coaching individuals and teams

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